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Andalucia steals a march on Balearics. Launches plan in London to attract "cold weather tourists"

Cheaper to go to Andalucia than stay at home

Mallorca in October!


Andalucia turned up the heat on the Balearics at the World Travel Market fair in London today by announcing a plan to attract tourists in search of a better climate and lower heating bills during the winter.

Andalucia has said that it wants to encourage British tourists to escape the high heating bills in the United Kingdom and head to one of Andalucia's many popular holiday resorts, home to the Costas. The British holiday market is key to Andalucia and this latest move comes as thousands of Britons are looking to spend the winter abroad and escape the high heating bills.

So far, the Balearics has not launched a plan to attract winter tourists despite enjoying some fantastic winter weather.

Andalucia is Spain's third most popular holiday destination after the Canary Islands and the Balearics.

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