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Top tips to fight the "Tiger Mosquito"

Do not scratch the bites


With the arrival of summer, the season of open windows and outdoor activities begins, and with it, also the appearance of mosquitoes. Their buzzing and biting can cause great discomfort and even ruin the best of your summer plans.

Although there are a large number of mosquito species, the tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) is the one that most threatens public health.

In this regard, Mikel Bengoa, doctor in entomology and technical manager of the company specialized in pest control and environmental health Anticimex, explains: "The tiger mosquito is an invasive exotic species originating in Southeast Asia, spread mainly along the Mediterranean coast. Its proliferation season runs from May to October and, unlike other native species such as Culex pipiens, it has a diurnal activity period, essentially from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.". "These are the time intervals in which most bites occur," he adds.
For this reason, he insists on the need to take extreme precautions and follow the correct preventive measures, which will be one of the most important keys to combat the presence of these insects:

1. Eliminate breeding sites. The larval stage of mosquitoes develops in liquid water. Therefore, it is important to keep clean and dry areas prone to accumulate water, such as flower pots, troughs, gutters or drains.
2. Avoid shaded areas. Areas sheltered from the sun are favorite resting places for mosquitoes, especially if they also retain some humidity.
3. Use appropriate repellents. Those containing DEET, Icaridin or IR3535, recommended by the WHO, are the most effective. They alter the mosquitoes' receptors, preventing them from landing on people. It is worth mentioning that the application of certain repellents should take into account the age and condition of each person.
4. Respect insectivores. Animals such as spiders, dragonflies, frogs or toads will perform a biological control that will keep the area free of mosquitoes.
5. Install mosquito nets on windows and beds so you don't have to give up open windows.
6. Turn on a fan or air conditioner. Mosquitoes are not good flyers and the slightest draft will destabilize them.
7. Dress in loose-fitting clothing that covers the skin. Especially at dusk and at night it is advisable to wear long sleeves, long pants and socks to avoid being exposed to bites.
8. Do not scratch the bites. Scratching may relieve the itching sensation momentarily. However, insistent scratching can cause more swelling, itching and even a skin infection.
9. Apply cold to the affected area. The application of local cold -water or ice- or diluted ammonia prevents the mosquito's saliva from spreading and, therefore, also the inflammation.
10. In case of allergic reaction, consult a doctor. While for some people a bite does not cause any effect, for others it can lead to a severe allergic reaction. In these cases, it is best to see a doctor for evaluation and prescription, if necessary, of an antihistamine or corticosteroid cream.

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