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Robert Graves congress analysing the author's letters written in Mallorca

Robert Graves. | Archive

| Palma |

The 15th Robert Graves International Congress, which starts at Palma's CaixaForum on Tuesday, will focus on the some 6,000 letters that the author wrote during his many years in Mallorca. Lasting until Saturday, the congress will highlight "the importance of correspondence in the work of the English writer, a large part of whose work was developed in Mallorca".

A quarter of these letters have been put online, and these will be presented at the congress, which is jointly organised by the Robert Graves Foundation and the Robert Graves Society. Palma town hall will be hosting a welcome reception at Bellver Castle for those attending the congress, who include the author's daughter, Lucia; she is one among various presenters at the congress.

Previous congresses have considered, among other subjects, the relationship between Graves' work and mythology, classicism, religion, humour, irony and tragedy.

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