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Over 150,000 euros of fines for Manacor street cleaning company

Fines have been mounting up. | Archive

| Manacor |

The company with the street cleaning service contract in Manacor has amassed penalties totalling 160,000 euros for breaches of this contract.

Manacor town hall's councillor for the environment, Sebastià Llodrà, has recognised that the the municipality "is not as clean as we would like, and for this reason the company is being sanctioned". He was responding to criticisms from the Partido Popular opposition that "Manacor is dirty".

Llodrà says that the councillor for human resources, Joan Gaià, met company representatives last week. They were told that because serious sanctions have been imposed, the company may well not be considered for future contracts.

He adds that the town hall has begun to work on new contracts for cleaning and waste collection. "We manage public money and we cannot allow a private company to do business without providing the service demanded."

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