The Alcudia horse is on the way to recovery - at last

The workshop in question is that of Miquel Ginard Sarasate

A heavy goods vehicle had crashed into it.

A heavy goods vehicle had crashed into it. | R.F.

| Alcudia |

Undignified it has been for the horse to have been languishing in a municipal plot for all this time, but finally the Aligi Sassu sculpture has been transferred to await restoration to its former glory.

The horse was removed from its plinth on the roundabout by Mosquito and the sports centre towards the end of March last year. A heavy goods vehicle had crashed into it. The suggestion at the time was that the accident was because the driver had fallen asleep at the wheel (he escaped with only slight injuries).

Alternatively, he may have been totally unfamiliar with the horse and had been so amazed at its appearance that he simply drove into it, having first mounted the roundabout.

Anyway, the crane turned up on Thursday to lift the horse onto a different HGV that was to take it to Sant Llorenç and the workshop where the restoration will be carried out. No further accident while in transit has been reported, so the accompanying documentation (insurance sorted out, etc.) will be valid.

The workshop in question is that of Miquel Ginard Sarasate, which I had thought was in Arta, as Arta was mentioned when, and quite some weeks ago, the town hall appeared to suggest that the horse was already there. It wasn’t.

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