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Mallorca Weather Forecast for February 4

Weather map for today. | MDB

| Palma |

Morning mist and with some fog banks in the east.

A mainly sunny morning with some medium and high clouds. This afternoon or evening it will be cloudy or overcast skies.Webcam views towards Palma cathedral.

Daytime temperatures in the north of the island are a little lower with highs of 16º but with little change in the south and highs of around 20º. Live feed from Inca.

Variable light wind tending north in the morning.

Night temperatures rising.

Forecasted temperatures for today (ºC) -

  • Felanitx 8- 18

  • Lluc 2- 17

  • Palma 6 - 21

  • Sa Pobla 6 - 18

You can keep up to date with the weather across the island here.

Weather forecast for the next few days:

The weekend will be more cloudy and overcast than the recent sunny days, with a high probablility of rain on Saturday. Daytime temperatures for the weekend are expected to be around 15º. Early next week the blue skies will be back with temperatures up by a few degrees to 17º.

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