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Fernando Simón questions the usefulness of the Covid certificate for bars

An "incentive" for some countries

Fernando Simón, director of the Centre for the Coordination of Health Alerts and Emergencies. | Efe (Angeles Visdomine)

| Toledo |

Dr. Fernando Simón, director of the Centre for the Coordination of Health Alerts and Emergencies, believes that making the Covid certificate a requirement for entering bars, restaurants and leisure venues may be an option, but he questions the usefulness in Spain, as practically 90% of the population over the age 12 years is vaccinated.

Speaking at the Congress for Young Doctors in Toledo, Simón asked: "If everyone is vaccinated, why do you need to know this every time someone enters a bar when you already know this?" As an option, it can be useful, when travelling for example, but not as much as "some think" for leisure.

Someone may consider it necessary and as an option to remind everyone that the epidemic "is still there", but he felt that it would be more useful as an "incentive" in countries where there is not a high vaccination rate.

Simón stated that at no time has consideration been given to the partial confinement of the unvaccinated, as in Austria. As for the current situation, he hoped that there will not be a "very quick" rise in infections in Spain over the medium term, but predicted that there will "ripples" because of the upcoming holidays.

In Spain, the situation is "now better" in terms of the number of infections. This is due to the vaccination coverage. "Although nothing can be guaranteed, the hope is that the incidence of the virus is a limited process."

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