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Is winter tourism just Bla Bla Bla?

Open letter by Ian Rice

Palmanova was once a key low season destination.

I read with great interest an editorial piece by Richie Prior in the Bulletin of 13/11/21 relating to winter tourism and I totally agree with him . His views are drawing comparisons with Benidorm in the winter and asking the question why Benidorm can have a thriving winter season when Mallorca can’t.

I can remember the days when Magalluf was very busy in the winter with UK and Spanish pensioners. Manos was the bar where the majority congregated however Britannia,Coach and Horses and the Piano Bar all enjoyed a good winter trade.The BBC even present Songs Of Praise from Palma Nova and broadcast live from the beach.

In these days you could get flights from all regional UK airports in the winter direct to Mallorca. It now takes 8 hours to fly to Palma from Scotland as I found this week.

In the time it takes you to fly to Mallorca in the winter you can fly direct to Florida or Dubia.

To reinstate winter tourism again it essential to get the major hoteliers, the Airlines, the Councils from North and South of the island and most importantly officials from the Spanish pensioners holiday associations all round one table with a will to reinstate winter tourism.

Winter Tourism In Mallorca 1996 Style .

I’ve owned a holiday home in Mallorca from the early eighties and still have a holiday brochure from the late nineties which makes interesting reading.

Twenty Five years ago their were over 40 weekly UK flights now theirs only a handful.

Hotels were open throughout the winter in Palma, Palma Nova, Magalluf and Santa Ponsa. The winter tourists enjoyed Good Food,Christmas Markets, Sport, Sailing, Golf, and Beer & Bingo . They also shared the winter hotels with Spanish Subsidised Pensioners.

The mix of UK winter tourists and Spanish pensioners brought a lot of business to resort shops and bars and kept the hotels open. Many Brits also bought holiday homes in Mallorca and spent the winter months on the island .

Recovery Of Winter Tourism.

Personally I believe that work must start immediately to promote Palma as an exciting winter City Break Destination similar to Barcelona, Madrid,Paris, Copenhagen, Stockholm and Prague , with weekly flights from all four UK devolved nations.It essential to bring back the Spanish pensioners to the resorts their numbers are what will initially make basic winter tourism viable.After the initial winter tourists trade is established theirs no reason why Mallorca can become the next winter Benidorm bring much needed employment to the island in the winter.

Mallorca is a very beautiful place in the winter.

Kind Regards.

Ian Rice a long time Scottish/ Mallorca resident.

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