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Mallorcan artist gives Palma a field of flowers

Field of Daisies mural by Joan Aguiló. | Teresa Ayuga

| Palma |

The Mallorcan artist, Joan Aguiló is famous for his colourful murals which can be seen on the façades of buildings all over Mallorca.

He has just finished painting an enormous field of daisies mural at the amphitheatre in Parc de sa Riera in Palma, which is absolutely stunning and has brightened up what used to be just boring concrete.

Joan started painting the 1,000 m2 mural in early in September with the help of artist Pere Bernat and he’s published photos of the finished project on his social media pages, along with a quote from poet, Maria Antònia Salvà.

Infrastructure Councillor, Angélica Pastor has also uploaded photos of the mural, which is one of several projects included in the so-called park renovation plan.

Palma City Council is expected to hold an event to celebrate the completion of the daisy mural by Joan Aguiló.

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