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Majorca tourism

Mallorca youth hostels popular this summer

For all ages, but generally speaking under-30s. | Miquel À. Cañellas

| Palma |

Youth hostels in Mallorca have been proving popular this summer. The president of the Balearic association of youth hostels, Miquel Oliver, says that the fourteen establishments which form the association have had average occupancy of 70% in July and August. Most bookings, he notes, have been last minute; the average occupancy is higher than that quoted for hotels.

He explains that youth hostel guests are typically seeking out new experiences. They want to get to know Mallorca and people from other countries. All this at affordable prices. Up to the age of 30, an associate card is not needed, but from 30 the European hostel card is mandatory. Prices per night range between 15 and 30 euros. Rooms with between six and ten beds are shared, and there is a shared bathroom.

The average stay is three nights. Oliver adds that some people "take month-long trips all over Europe or the world and use this accommodation because it suits their personal circumstances".

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