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Government set to revise capacity for large events

Courts are rejecting regional government applications of the certificate

The government will not now be going ahead with a plan to make the Covid certificate a requirement for bar interiors. | Archive

| Palma |

Having failed to get authorisation from the Balearic High Court to make the Digital Covid Certificate a requirement for attendance at large sporting and cultural events, the Balearic government is due to reconsider the capacities for these events.

With specific exceptions, most notably Real Mallorca matches, the government's limit outdoors is 5,000. Indoors it is 1,000. With the certificate (or a negative test or having had Covid) no longer viable, the cabinet is expected to approve lower limits at a meeting on Friday.

It is understood that the government will also be issuing recommendations to the public, including getting vaccinated, the pace of the vaccination programme having slowed.

The court's decision on Thursday means that the government's plan to make the certificate a requirement for entering bars and restaurants is now being ruled out. President Armengol wants the Spanish government to legislate in order to give regional governments greater powers with regard to the application of the certificate. She has made clear that the government disagrees with the court's ruling (but will abide by it), stressing that "vaccination is the hope for overcoming the pandemic".

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