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Proposal for Palma park to be used for motorhomes

Seeking a solution to problems with motorhomes parked on streets

Son Perera, the proposed site for a motorhome park. | Pilar Pellicer

| Palma |

The former president of the Balearic Caravan Club and one of the pioneers of camping in Mallorca, Sebastià Forner, is seeking a solution to the problems caused by motorhomes and camper vans in Ciudad Jardín and El Molinar, which is where he lives.

Unlike many large cities on the mainland and elsewhere in Europe, Palma has no specific site for these vehicles. Forner is therefore suggesting that the town hall makes a municipal park - Son Perera - available. This land, which is near El Molinar and the sea, is "very large" and users "wouldn't bother anyone".

At present, Forner explains, motorhome owners can stay in the same place for up to ten days, subject to certain regulations, e.g. those governing noise. However, there are those - who are "not camping" - who remain in one place for a month or more. They are the anti-social ones who throw out dirty water and "need to be denounced by residents". Not all motorhome owners should have to pay because of the "attitude of some".

Son Perera, Forner says, has an area that isn't used. This could be adapted for at least twenty motorhomes, which would be like provisions in other cities.

The president of one of Palma's residents associations, Miquel Obrador of the Federació de Veïnats de sa Ciutat, supports Forner's proposal. The town hall, he says, should not be allowing the "current disorder" in certain areas of the city. There need to be places where "residents are bothered the least, and this park (Son Perera) seems good to us".

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