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Visit to Lluc for the Royal Family

The Royal Family and politicians in Lluc on Wednesday. | Miquel À. Cañellas

| Lluc |

King Felipe, Queen Letizia, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia visited Lluc on Wednesday evening. The only visit that has been scheduled while they are on holiday in Mallorca, it commenced at 7.30pm, when they were met by President Armengol; the president (speaker) of the Balearic parliament, Vicenç Thomàs; the president of the Council of Mallorca, Catalina Cladera; the national government delegate, Aina Calvo; and the mayor of Escorca, Toni Solivellas.

There was a tour of the Ca s'Amitger Tramuntana Mountains interpretation centre and a visit to Lluc Sanctuary, where they were greeted by the Bishop of Mallorca, Sebastià Taltuvall. Although they are on their summer holidays, the 38 child members of the Escolania de Lluc choir performed for the royal visitors.

The King and his family also saw the sculptures by Joan Bennàssar and went to the mirador and Escorca town hall.

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