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Hot in the city....Palma hits 38.2 degrees Centigrade

Temperature forecast to rise even further tomorrow and on Sunday

Mallorca mini heat wave. | Miguel Ángel Polo


Arriving tourists got an early taste of Mallorca in the summer today with the airport registering the maximum temperature of 38.2 degrees Centigrade. Even higher temperatures are being forecast for tomorrow and Sunday.

The mini heatwave led to a surge in power demand this afternoon with householders and office workers turning to their air conditioning units to keep cool.

Top temperatures

Palma, airport........................... 38.2 degrees Centigrade
Binissalem................................ 38.0 degrees Centigrade
Sa Pobla.................................. 37.8 degrees Centigrade
Porreres................................... 36.6 degrees Centigrade
Santa Maria del Cami.............. 36.4 degrees Centigrade

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