Get a discount voucher for Inter-Island travel!


Mallorca. | Ultima Hora

| Balearic Islands |

Balearic residents can get €100 off inter-island travel this summer by applying for a discount voucher.

The vouchers are designed to reactivate tourism and to qualify travellers must be registered as residents on one of the Balearic Islands and book a break of 2-nights or more on different Balearic Island through a collaborating travel agency.

The vouchers will be published in the BOIB on Thursday and available at partner travel agencies from Friday.

The Tourism Strategy Agency is setting up a website so that people can register and get their discount code.

Reservations must be made within 30 days of receiving the code, but the voucher can be used for bookings from June 15-30, and from September 1-November 15.

"Do you have doubts about how to enjoy the Tourist Bonus?, tweets the AETIB. "From May 20 we will specify all the necessary details and legal requirements. In the meantime you can resolve any questions by consulting the FAQs at https: //

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