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High court gives Balearic curfew extension green light

Authorisation was sought for curfew and three other measures

The curfew in Mallorca is set to extend beyond May 9. | Miquel A. Cañellas

| Palma |

The Balearic government has now got the authorisation it was seeking for adopting specific measures after the state of alarm ends on May 9. The Balearic High Court has endorsed the measures that were passed at an urgent meeting of the cabinet on Wednesday, the court having returned the government's proposal saying that it could not rule on what was no more than a consultation document. The government had to pass measures before the court was in a position to give a decision.

The court has yet to make its ruling public, but the government has been notified of the decision, which was not unanimous. Three of the five judges had rejected the original proposal, and three of the five now support the revised proposal.

Extension of the curfew is one of the measures. The others relate to controls at ports and airports, limiting numbers of people for private gatherings, and limiting capacities at places of worship. The curfew is currently from 11pm to 6am, and will almost certainly continue to be.

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