Suspended sentences for four Arenal prostitutes

A one year's sentence is suspended for two years

Women sentenced for assaulting a tourist in Mallorca

Three of the four women were in court in Palma.

| Palma |

Four women, who were apparently engaged in prostitution, have each been sentenced to one year in prison, suspended for two years, and to the payment of a fine of 90 euros. The sentences relate to an assault on a German tourist in Arenal in September 2019 and to robbery.

At 1am on the thirteenth of that month, the male tourist was walking along the Calle Agustí Catany when one of the four approached him and offered sexual services. At one point, she put a hand into one of his trouser pockets and snatched 160 euros. When he tried to get his money back, the three other women appeared and grabbed, pushed and intimidated him.

Police officers had witnessed what was happening. They intervened and prevented the women from running off. The money was retrieved.

Three of the women attended the court hearing in Palma on Saturday; the fourth was linked by videoconference. They accepted the judgement after there was agreement between both parties.

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