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Vaccine supplies to the Balearics increasing next month

120,000 vaccinations per week could be administered

Juli Fuster, the director-general of IB-Salut, speaking on Friday. | IB3

| Palma |

Juli Fuster, director-general of IB-Salut, said on Friday that the Balearics will next week take receipt of 21,660 doses of the vaccines and 41,140 doses the following week. These will mark a record number so far.

Fuster explained that 79,600 doses have so far been delivered. Of these, 63,991 have been administered. The percentage of 80.37% will rise to more than 85% because of vaccinations planned for this weekend. A total of 21,598 people have been given two doses. By island, 51,765 vaccines have been administered in Mallorca, 5,401 in Minorca, 6,476 in Ibiza and 349 in Formentera.

The director-general added that 78% of all health workers have received the first dose. Of people with high levels of dependence, 60% (2,618) have been vaccinated once, while 1,400 caregivers have been vaccinated. There will be an intensification next week in vaccinating people over the age of 80 with mild levels of dependence.

Over the weekend, 7,000 people are scheduled to be vaccinated at the Son Dureta Covid Express facility in Palma. These will include 1,500 infant and special needs teachers. From March 8, vaccination will begin at the Germans Escalas sports centre in Palma, the Mateu Cañellas sports centre in Inca, and the Manacor Hippodrome.

As to mass vaccination, if there are supplies, Fuster stated that 120,000 vaccines could be administered per week.

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