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Tensions rise during partial eviction in Palma

There were no arrests during the eviction process in Palma

Tension in La Lonja during eviction. | Youtube Última Hora

| Palma |

Tensions escalated during a partial eviction at a building in the La Lonja neighbourhood of Palma on Monday morning.

At 11:00 more than a dozen Local and National Police Officers were deployed to Carrer de Jaume Ferrer to carry out an eviction and the ‘Stop Evictions Mallorca’ platform mobilised more than a dozen people to stop prevent it.

After more than an hour of intense negotiations, the tenants on the second and fourth floors were told they had to leave the building, but those on the first, fourth and lower floors were allowed to stay temporarily, because they’ve given the court the required documentation.

The occupants on the second floor left peacefully and have apparently found somewhere else to live, but a court order was issued for several families on the fourth floor who left under the watchful eye of the Police.

The ‘Stop Evicitions Mallorca’ platform is staying in the street to make sure that the water and electricity supplies are not cut off and to make sure that the Community entrance door keys are given to residents who’ve been allowed to stay in the property.

There were no arrests.

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