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Watch out for the dance of the starlings in Mallorca

Thousands of starlings come to Mallorca in the winter

1/2 million starling cover the sky. | Youtube: manolodorecho

| Mallorca |

Thousands of starlings from northern Europe come to Mallorca every winter and entertain us with their spectacular sunset dances.

This year they’ve moved out of La Albufera and IB3 Meteorologist, Miquel Salamanca says that’s because the fire in Albufera de Alcúdia in September burned the reeds and the lack of moisture caused the birds to migrate to wooded areas in the West and some parts of the Pla and Raiguer.

When the starlings migrate their diet changes from insects to fruit and they love olives. Before cultivation methods improved they were a pest because they ate all the olives before farmers could harvest them.

Starlings usually gather in large flocks to prevent predators attacking them and their sunset performances are hypnotic as they draw stunning geometric shapes in the sky.

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