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Resistencia Balear stopped from handing out food

A dozen or so people gathered

Resistencia Balear organiser Victor Sánchez with police | Teresa Ayuga

| Palma |

Resistencia Balear, the movement opposed to bar and restaurant closures, had planned a form of protest in Palma's Plaça Major on Wednesday morning, but Palma and National Police intervened and told a group of a dozen or so people that they weren't allowed to.

Messages on social media had advised that they would be distributing food and basic products. "If you can't take any more, come and take some photos in Plaça Major" was one message.

After the police intervened, they packed up their stuff and left.

On Tuesday, the national government delegation in the Balearics announced that fines totalling 141,000 euros have been proposed for people who attended the most recent protest in Palma. Many took part on foot, but the delegation had only given permission for a motorised protest.

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