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Vía de Cintura Speed Limit now 80 km/h

Critics argue the speed limit should be 100 km/h

New speed limit on Vía de Cintura. | Ultima Hora

| Palma |

Drivers beware, the speed limit on the Vía de Cintura has been reduced to 80 kilometres an hour from this morning.

This is an essential, bold, measure that’s needed for the sake of the environment and the health of the people,” said Mobility & Infrastructure Minister, Iván Sevillano. ”Otherwise, we will never move forward as a society.”

Fewer accidents

Council officials claim that reducing the speed limit will prevent traffic jams, reduce neighbourhood pollution and help reduce accidents.

The Transport Sector took a stand against the speed reduction and the Balearic Transport Business Federation asked that the proposal be discussed with all affected Sectors before being implemented, but the Council ignored the request.

Opposition parties also objected to the move, saying they didn’t understand why the limit was being reduced to 80 kilometres instead of 100 km an hour. They also argued that the speed reduction should be done in sections, not along the entire length of the Vía de Cintura at the same time.

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