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European funds for Balearics circular economy and waste projects

Part of Spain's strategy for the circular economy and waste regulations

Balearics to receive European funds for waste management. | @cmat_ib (Conselleria de Medi Ambient)

| Palma |

The Balearics will receive some 16 million euros of European funds for projects related to waste management and the circular economy.

The regional environment ministry announced on Tuesday that the 16 million will be part of the Spanish strategy for the circular economy and waste regulations that is integrated into Spain's recovery, transformation and resilience plan, which is to be financed by the EU. The minister, Miquel Mir, said that he was "very satisfied" that the Spanish government had taken requests from the regional government into account.

He referred in particular to the fact that regions where the weight of tourism is highest have to manage a greater volume of waste per capita. He noted that the difference between months of maximum and minimum waste generation (August versus December of January) is 161% in Ibiza and Formentera, 154% in Minorca and 35% in Mallorca.

Projects that will be subsidised with the European funds will depend on criteria set by the national ministry for ecological transition but will have to do with, for instance, the construction of specific facilities for bio-waste treatment and for reuse and recycling.

Sebastià Sansó, the director-general for waste and environmental educations, said that the funds will give a definite boost to Balearic objectives in the regional waste law and in state and European regulations.

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