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'Pere Garau Edition' of Monopoly

'Pere Garau Edition' of Monopoly slams street renovations

'Pere Garau Edition' of Monopoly. | Ultima Hora

| Palma |

Protestors who object to the renovation plans for Carrer Nuredduna in Palma have come up with a novel way of putting their argument across.

They took advantage of the arrival of the Three Kings in Palma to deliver a special ‘Pere Garau Edition’ of Monopoly to the City Council.

"We have replaced the usual content on the board game with 12 cards highlighting the risks of the project and the alternatives that the entities are proposing," said representatives of Pere Garau’s Much More Than Nuredduna campaign.

The Association of Market Traders in Pere Garau, ARCA and Flipau are behind the initiative.

The Monopoly cards warn that "developing projects without listening to the real needs of residents or providing solutions is a dangerous game".

Another cards says "No to imposition, Yes to real democratic participation.”

The game also points out that Carrer Nuredduna is not the same as Carrer de Blanquerna:

Pere Garau has a market at the centre of the axis, whereas Carrer de Blanquerna does not.

There are no public parking spaces in Carrer Nuredduna, whereas there are 1,800 in Carrer de Blanquerna.

There are no alternative streets close to Carrer Nuredduna, whereas Carrer del 31 de December and Carrer dell General Riera are both close to Carrer de Blanquerna.

The protestors and other entities also state that “the only longitudinal axis in the neighbourhood cannot be cut,” but say they’ll agree to a reduction in vehicles" and insist that the tunnel “cannot be dispensed with” and must be maintained for public transport and residents.

"We need a civic axis that reaches the Plaça de Miquel Dolç, in which the protagonists are the pedestrians,” they explained and warned that Cort’s project “will attract speculation and gentrification and hinder public transport and communication between residents."

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