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Sánchez stresses commitment to the Constitution

Political stability is needed

The prime minister affirmed his personal commitment to the Constitution. | Efe

| Madrid |

On Constitution Day, Prime Minister Sánchez stated that as long as his PSOE party is at helm of the Spanish government, "the Constitution will govern from east to west and from north to south, from the first to the last of its articles".

In an interview with El Periódico, the prime minister observed that this has always been his view but that his conception of Spain differs to that of the right: his is "much more plural, much more diverse". "Franco has gone from the Valley of the Fallen, but he is still in the minds of a few. Now, beyond a group of marginal nostalgics, what is truly worrying is the propagation of hateful messages from political galleries that are not marginal."

Stressing that Spain needs political stability, Pedro Sánchez said that his government had appealed for political unity in passing the 2021 budget - a "necessary and essential budget". But there were political parties, "those of Puigdemont, Casado and Abascal* who ignored the citizens".

The prime minister added that there has to be "social dialogue and social peace in addressing structural reforms of the labour market at a time when there is a sharp drop in economic activity because of Covid".

* Carles Puigdemont (Junts per Catalunya), Pablo Casado (Partido Popular), Santiago Abascal (Vox).

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