Brace yourself Mallorca!

Mallorca Weather Forecast

Palma, Mallorca.

Palma, Mallorca. archive photo. | M. À. Cañellas

| Mallorca |

Brace yourself for a significant drop in temperatures later this week as a cold front arrives in Mallorca.

“Between Thursday and Friday we will go from being 2º to 3º above the average normal temperature to being 2º to 3º below,” says Aemet’s María José Guerrero.

Friday and Saturday forecast on the Balearic Islands

Highs of around 20º-21º are forecast on Thursday, compared to an average of 18º for this time of year, but get those blankets out of the wardrobe because the mercury will drop below 16º on Friday.

"The anticyclone is giving way to low pressures," says María José Guerrero, "but the front is cold and dry so rain is unlikely."

It was 26º in Puerto Pollensa on Sunday, but residents could be in for a nasty shock because Guerrero is predicting a fall of 10º on Friday.

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