Doña Sofía is 82 today

Happy Birthday Queen Sofía

Queen Sofía.

Queen Sofía. | Ultima Hora

| Mallorca-International |

Happy Birthday to Queen Sofía who celebrates her 82nd birthday on Monday, November 2.

The sudden departure of King Juan Carlos and the fact that the coronavirus crisis has paralysed official activities, has not prevented Queen Sofía from supporting charities, social causes and cultural events.

Doña Sofía is in good health and during the second wave of the pandemic she has often left Palacio de la Zarzuela, to get out and about and keepin contact with the public.

In recent weeks she has toured the food banks in various Autonomous Communities via the Reina Sofía Foundation to show support for those most in need during the coronavirus pandemic.

She has also visited a number of warehouses, including those in Albacete, Ciudad Real, Toledo, Murcia, Las Palmas and Lanzarote and plans to go to Valencia and Seville in November if the health restrictions allow her to go.

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