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PP calling for safe air corridors "like those of the Canaries"

Toni Costa, PP parliamentary spokesperson. | Archive

| Palma |

At a Friday press conference, spokesperson for the Partido Popular, Toni Costa, said that the party has registered 42 parliamentary proposals arising from this week's general policy debate.

One of these relates to the establishing of safe air corridors, "like those of the Canary Islands". Costa regretted the fact that it has not been possible to create corridors for the Balearics because of the "neglect" of both President Armengol and the tourism minister, Iago Negueruela. Moreover, and unlike the Canaries, the Balearics will not be able to "guarantee the high season", as the government has been "incapable" of implementing the necessary protocols to enable this.

Among the other 41 proposals are ones for extending ERTE until the end of March 2021 and reducing IVA (VAT) on face masks to four per cent. Both of these are aimed at the Spanish government rather than the Balearic government.

Costa also referred to the requirements that the PP need in order to be able to support the regional government's 2021 budget. These include the creation of a commission to evaluate the use of European recovery funds, no increases to any tax, and loans amounting to 150 million euros for the self-employed and small businesses.

Coming to President Armengol and the news of her having been in a bar after 1am, Costa stated that "she is taking the citizens for fools with a version that not even she believes". Her version, that she left the bar before 1am, "does not tally with the original version" of the police report. The counter for her resignation, he insisted, "is running".

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