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Police report places Balearic president as having been in a bar after 1am

The police report includes reference to the president of the Balearic government.

| Palma |

On Wednesday in the Balearic parliament, the leader of the opposition, Biel Company of the Partido Popular, made a veiled reference to a "very well-known" politician having been in a Palma bar at two in the morning.

His reference was to President Armengol and to an incident on October 7 when Palma police reported the Hat Bar next to the Sant Felip Neri Church for having been open beyond 1am. Under Covid regulations, all bars have to close by then.

Some witnesses say that Armengol was outside the bar when the police arrived. It is also said that officers recognised her outside the bar. The officers apparently did not ask Armengol or anyone else at the bar for identification. The report indicates that there were nine people inside.

Timed at ten minutes past two, the report includes a statement from the bar's owner. He wished to express his disagreement with the police "denuncia". He hadn't closed because there was an "authority" on the premises, namely the president of the Balearic government.

Among those to have voiced their criticism is José Ramón Bauzá, president of the Balearics between 2011 and 2015. It wasn't a case of double standards, it was "an absence of standards". He has wondered how many hours of national television time would be devoted to this matter, if "instead of the socialist president Armengol, it had been the liberal president Bauzá who had skipped the drinks' lockdown".

Former Palma mayor and now Palma councillor for culture and coordinator of Més in Mallorca, Antoni Noguera, told IB3 radio on Thursday morning that he didn't wish to offer a view about something for which he didn't have any information. It should be the "Consolat" (the government's headquarters), which responds to what was raised in parliament.

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