Palma is 26 degrees and partly sunny, partly cloudy with winds gusting up to 50 kilometres an hour and a low of 15.
65 kilometre and hour winds are forecast in Estellencs with a mixture of sunshine and clouds, a top temperature of 24 degrees, and a low of 16.
Ses Salines is extremely blustery but mostly sunny with a high of 27 dropping to 15 degrees overnight.
It’s 28 and overcast in Alcudia with 55 kilometre an hour winds, some sunny spells and a low of 16.
Here’s a look at the weather from our webcam a little further down the coast in Cala Rajada.
Soller is 27 and cloudy with scattered showers, occasional sunshine, winds gusting up to 55 kilometres an hour and a low of 14 degrees.