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CCTV cameras for Majorcan town

Sencelles Car Park. | Maria Nadal

| Majorca |

Sencelles City Council wants to install CCTV cameras in the town car parks because an increasing number of cars have been stolen or stripped of parts in recent weeks.

“We have asked for budgets to install cameras because the situation has worsened; first they stole fuel from parked cars, then a car had two wheels removed,” said Sencelles Mayor, Joan Carles Verd.

The Council will start processing the appropriate permits for installing the cameras in the city’s urban car parks once it's clear that there's money available for the project.

Mayor Verd says he doesn't foresee any legal problems.

“We already had other instances when we needed cameras at the Green Point to control the dumping of waste and the cameras won’t focus on the public highway," he said. "We have to end this vandalism.”

Sencelles has several car parks to help decongest the town centre and the Council has recently bought a plot behind the church to build a big new car park.


The opening of the new car park will make way for the renovation of the Plaça and the final design for that will be presented to residents soon.

One of the main factors of the renovation is the elimination of parking spaces in the square to make more space available for pedestrians and to eliminate architectural barriers.

The City Council will also sign an agreement with Bisbat to relocate the monument to the Blessed so that a ramp can be built.

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