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Union threatening schools' strike

Back to school next month, but things will be very different. | Miquel À. Cañellas

| Palma |

The UOB union has threatened to call a strike in the education sector if the regional ministry of education does not provide "the necessary spaces and teachers" in order to guarantee the prevention of coronavirus infections. If the ministry fails to do this, the union says that the strike will coincide with the start of the new school year in September.

The union adds that it will be proposing that other unions take part; this proposal is to be made at the board for non-university teaching personnel. It wants tests for the "educational community, the workers at least". Other regions, such as Andalusia, are introducing tests. Furthermore, the UOB is demanding infrared thermometers to take pupils' temperatures when they enter schools and the provision of transparent masks to aid communication between teachers and pupils.

"Schools in the Balearics will be a source of the spread of the virus. There will be more probability of this than in other regions because of the high number of pupils per classroom and lack of social distancing."

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