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Taxi drivers advised to install partititons

Palma taxi drivers to install partititons. | Ajuntament de Palma

| Palma |

Palma City Council is recommending that protective screens be installed in the city’s 1,246 licensed taxis to protect drivers if passengers are not wearing masks.

The Deputy Mayor for Sustainable Mobility, Francesc Dalmau, has thanked the Sector for adapting to the challenges posed by the Covid-19 crisis, which forced many taxi drivers to stay home.

The Municipal Decree authorising the use of partitions in taxis insists that they be professionally manufactured, made with 100% transparent, flexible plastic and not more than 3mm thick.

There must also be a window to allow passengers to pay the fare, proper ventilation and air conditioning inside the vehicle and the screens must be installed with temporary fixings.

Partitions made with plexiglass, methacrylate or any other rigid element that could chip or be cut and pose a risk to users and taxi drivers are banned.

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