
Covid-19 Death Toll continues to decrease

276 coronavirus deaths confirmed in Spain on Saturday.

276 coronavirus deaths confirmed in Spain on Saturday. | EFE

| Majorca-International |

The Ministry of Health confirmed 276 coronavirus deaths in Spain on Saturday, taking the death toll to 25,100.

The number of infections increased by 1,147 making 216,582 since the pandemic began.

Another 2,570 people were discharged from hospital in the last 24 hours after beating the virus, which means 117,248 have fully recovered.

117,949 are hospitalised in Spain, which is 556 more since than on Friday and there were 49 new admissions to Intensive Care Units, making 10,909 ICU patients nationwide.

Madrid has confirmed the highest number of coronavirus deaths with 8,292, followed by Catalonia with 5,137; Castilla-La Mancha with 2,534; Castilla y León with 1,788; The Basque Country with 1,321; The Valencian Community with 1,258; Andalusia with 1,253; Aragon with 761; Galicia with 557; Navarra with 460; Extremadura with 458; La Rioja with 334; Asturias with 279; The Balearic Islands with 197; Cantabria with 193; The Canary Islands with 140; Murcia with 132; Ceuta with 4; and Melilla with 2.

The Community of Madrid has also diagnosed the highest number of Covid-19 cases by PCR with 62,073, followed by Catalonia with 49,850; Castilla y León with 17,165; Castilla-La Mancha with 15,967; The Basque Country with 12,887; Andalusia with 12,207; The Valencian Community with 10,411; Galicia with 8,902; Aragon with 5,136; Navarra with 4,888; La Rioja with 3,947; Extremadura with 2,824; Asturias with 2,303; The Canary Islands with 2,212; Cantabria with 2,201; The Balearic Islands with 1,902; Murcia with 1,491; Melilla with 115; and Ceuta with 101.

The Ministry of Health has said that the list of coronavirus infections confirmed by PCR tests nationwide is compiled by the Community of Madrid on a daily basis and sometimes includes infections from previous days.

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