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State of alarm

Majorca hoteliers: stupefaction at de-escalation plan

Maria Frontera, president of the Majorca Hoteliers Federation.

| Palma |

The Majorca Hoteliers Federation and the Association of Hotel Chains have issued a statement in which they say that the reopening of hotels under the Spanish government's de-escalation plan is not feasible. In order to be feasible, air connectivity, protocols endorsed by health authorities, the extension of ERTEs, and specific financial support measures are all needed.

The plan was greeted with "disappointment and stupefaction". "It doesn't at all solve how to proceed with the opening of hotel establishments. The conditions under which opening is being proposed are not feasible, even if they give a false impression of a return to the new normality."

The island's hoteliers' views coincide with those of the Cehat national confederation of hotel associations, of which the federation is a member.

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