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Staggered de-escalation in the Balearic Islands

Formentera will begin de-escalation from May 4. | Jaume Morey

| Balearic Islands |

The Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez has outlined a 4-phase de-escalation plan for Spain, but not all territories will move at the same pace.

Formentera will begin de-escalating on May 4, but the other three Balearic Islands will have to wait another week. The Government is already making preparations for economic activity to resume slowly from May 11.

In order to begin the return to the new normal, each territory must meet specific health regulations set by the Ministry.

The Requirements

The criteria includes, having beds available in the ICU, that Covid-19 contagion is below a certain percentage and ventilators are accessible.

If the criteria is met, some businesses will be allowed to reopen, but their capacity will be limited to 30% and they must install two metre social distancing. Where that’s not possible, only one person will be allowed on the premises at a time.

Street markets can open when authorised by the municipalities, but are restricted to 25% of the usual number of stalls.

The Ministry of Tourism has confirmed that bars and restaurants can open their terraces, but with only 30% of the normal amount of tables, although the municipalities may authorise more tables if there is enough space.

Hotels must adhere to very specific security and hygiene conditions to be able to reopen. Common areas must remain closed and catering services can only serve 30% of their previous capacity. Nature tourism will also be authorised, but in very limited groups, according Ministry sources.


The Government is planning to put all of those measures into place from May 4 in Formentera and from May 11 in the rest of the Balearic Islands.

From Monday, small businesses can open by appointment, so you can order a book or some flowers and arrange to pick them up from the shop if it is open.

The President of the Government, Francina Armengol was criticised by opposition parties on Tuesday for refusing to reveal the Government’s Work Plan at the plenary session of Parliament, because she wanted to wait until after the Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez had spoken.

On Wednesday, Armengol is expected to outline specific details of the de-escalation plans for the Balearic Islands.

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