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Animal Welfare

New Horse Hotel in Portocolom

Horse trained on the grounds of the hotel. | Gori Vicens

| Majorca-International |

There’s a brand new Hotel on the Can Tord Estate in Portocolom which has been specifically renovated for use by horses.

The Equine Sector, has become a multi-million-euro Industry in recent years and the popularity of trotting races, dressage and recreational enjoyment continues to soar.

“Much of what is sown in the fields now is food for the horses and it is a Sector that’s constantly expanding and there are still a lot of people who don't know about it,” said Colau Julià, Treasurer of the Federació de Trot.

The facilities at Can Tord are modern and very practical with different pens for the horses which are not locked up.

”For us, this is the most important thing because if the animals have been locked up all day inside three walls they can get nervous, so the horses are always free,” explains Miquel Àngel Binimelis.

The property has a 410-meter jogging track with geotextile cushioned flooring for the horses so that they don’t get hurt and a pool for them to recover in, after exercising.

"It's the future of the elite world because hard-working horses need to recover in the same way as people and the pool is great for that," says Binimelis.

Care is essential

At Can Tord Training Centre the main modalities are the Trot and classic Spanish dressage.

Champion horse, Fer Bonachón, a pure Spanish breed with two World Championship titles to its name for 2018 and 2019 is one of the horses trained by Miquel Àngel Binimelis and his team.

A horse’s beauty, quality of movement in step, trot and gallop is judged in competitions and the centre aims to bring out the best in every animal.

"We take care of them and we teach them, and the owners can come here to ride their horses," says Miquel Àngel.

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