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Government U-turn on kids' restrictions

Government changes coronavirus restrictions for kids. | Ultima Hora

| Majorca-International |

The Health Minister has rectified statements made earlier about the criteria for children during the State of Emergency.

Salvador Illa confirmed that kids under the age of 14 can go for walks with their parents from April 27, but the details of how long or where they can go have still to be defined.

On Saturday, the Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, said children under 14 would not be able to go for a walk but has backed down after his statement reportedly generated substantial criticism.

Earlier on Tuesday the Government announced that children would only be allowed to accompany their parents to the supermarket, the chemist and the bank.

The Director of the Centre for the Coordination of Alerts & Health Emergencies, Fernando Simón, warned that the de-escalation of restrictions on kids will be controlled.

"They are not going to go out freely to start playing with all their neighbours like they did before," he said, “if people think it’s going to be, just open the door and get together with children from all over the neighbourhood, then we may have a problem; it's a question of responsibility.”

The Government is also said to be considering allowing adults exercise alone for one hour each day.

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