
Funeral companies to refund extra charges

Funeral companies to refund charges for protective materials.

Funeral companies to refund charges for protective materials. | Ultima Hora

| Majorca |

The Municipal Funeral Company, EFM in Palma has announced that it will refund the 459 euros charged for coronavirus protective suits and plastic waterproofing used at funeral services during the coronavirus State of Emergency.

“On March 23 it was decided that funeral companies must stop collecting money for protection materials immediately and all fees already paid will be refunded to the relatives of those who died between March 14 and 23,” said Alberto Jarabo, President of the Municipal Company.

He said he understood that people just don’t have the money to pay for extras during the State of Emergency.

"The use of security materials is mandatory for diseases and the charges were made for before coronavirus entered our lives, during the collection of bodies when the cause of death was known,” he said. “But now we are at a time of particular fragility and special economic impact for citizens, which is why we have decided not to charge for these materials."

Defer payment

Jarabo added that funeral services are being scaled back to help mourners save money.

"We have also tried to make it easier for families to pay as little as possible by reducing the cost of funeral services by an average of 10%,” he said, "and payment can be delayed until later if families are in a difficult economic situation.”

He also acknowledged that a Ministerial Order has been approved which bans funeral companies from charging more during the State of Emergency.

Complaints about the charges for protective suits and other materials came from Fulgencio Coll of Vox and the PP.

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