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Climate change

Tourists willing to pay to save a metre of beach

Lost sand in Cala Millor. | Assumpta Bassa - Archive

| Palma |

The University of the Balearic Islands undertook a study to analyse visitors' willingness to pay for a series of measures to minimise the impact of climate change on Majorca's coasts and beaches. The study and its results have been published in the journal Climatic Change. They reveal that tourists would be prepared to spend 1.23 euros per day of their stay in Majorca in order save a metre of beach from the effects of climate change (rising sea level); 0.9 euros per day to prevent masses of jellyfish; and 0.31 euros a day to recover one per cent of posidonia sea grass meadows.

The research by Alejandra Enríquez and Àngel Bujosa involved questionnaires that were part of a wider investigation into evaluating the effects of climate change on the well-being of tourists visiting the Balearics. These questionnaires were divided into three parts: the importance of environmental problems that can affect tourist experience in the destination; a detailed description of the impacts of climate change that can be expected in the destination; the socioeconomic characteristics of the interviewees.

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