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Ladies, Wine & Design in Majorca

Xesca Amengual, Majo García and Carmen Buelohá. | Tzema Alvarez

| Palma |

Ladies, Wine & Design is a global non-profit initiative that was started by Jessica Walsh in New York. Its motto is "empowering women and non-binary creatives around the world". There are almost 300 chapters, one of these being in Majorca. Talks are held over a glass of wine, and in Majorca the organisation has been down to Xesca Amengual, who specialises in social media design and management, and Carmen Buelohá, founder of a social media and online marketing consultancy.

The first anniversary of the Majorcan chapter was celebrated the other day. The talk was led by communications and marketing consultant Majo García, who spoke about the importance of personal brands in businesses - a subject for female entrepreneurs so that businesses know that "we are an added value".

Xesca Amengual says that "with these talks we seek feminine professional empowerment through the support of a community dedicated to this very sector". Between ten and fifteen women attend the talks. Carmen Buelohá explains that "it is wonderful to have a space for synergies where we can learn from each other".

Although wine is a feature of the talks, it is optional. There is also coffee, tea and soft drinks. The next talk, which will be held later this month, will hear from Virginia Moll, a creative editor and copywriter, who wants to help female entrepreneurs voice their ideas through words.

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