
February Weather Contrasts

Weather in Majorca

Temperatures drop in the evening. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

| Majorca |

Majorca is an island of contrasts, especially when it comes to the weather. The nights can be really cold and the days super hot.

There?s usually hardly any rain in winter, but the mercury goes up and down like a yo-yo so you have to be prepared.

Sometimes it?s way above 20 degrees during the day then the temperature plummets to frigid temperatures overnight.

There are days when it changes by the hour too, so you can go from wearing a coat and scarf to a t-shirt within hours, that?s how crazy the Majorca weather is in February.

These contrasts are highlighted in images published by the Méteo IB3 programme showing the Serra de Tramuntana mountains covered in frost at dawn on Friday, and it?s likely to be the same every morning throughout this weekend inland in Majorca and Ibiza.

According to Meteorologists, soil absorbs heat easily on cloudy days, and even more so after it gets dark, because the clouds make it difficult for thermal radiation to pass through.

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