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Royal family

A birthday ensaimada for King Felipe

The ensaimada for King Felipe. | Julián Aguirre

| Palma |

King Felipe has been sent an ensaimada of one metre in diameter for his 52nd birthday, which is on Thursday. It has been sent by the Balearics branch of the National Monarchical Brotherhood, whose delegate, José Fernández, says that there will also be a letter of congratulation, expressing "affection and appreciation" from Balearics society.

Fernández adds that this is the first time that the branch in the Balearics has sent the King a birthday present, but that it will now become "routine".

There are currently 330 members of the brotherhood in the Balearics. And for these members, as Fernández explains, the Spanish system of parliamentary monarchy is "the only coherent one for giving prosperity, peace and tranquility" to the Spanish state.

"We have experienced many ups and downs in Spain, but we believe that parliamentary monarchy is the most neutral and apolitical system and that it most represents the Spanish people."

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