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Last orders at El Muro bar, Palma

Aurelia Cabrera, Pedro Gómez, Antonio García and Manuela Fernández. | Miquel A. Cañellas

| Palma |

The owners of 'El Muro' have decided to retire after 35 years behind the bar.

Pedro Gómez and Antonio García used to work on a farm, but the harsh working conditions forced them to rethink their future.

Pedro had worked as an apprentice at the Rio Cafeteria in Carrer de l’Arxiduc Lluís Salvador so they decided to capitalise on his experience, buy the old Aguiló Winery and try working in a bar for two years to see if they liked it.

“We wanted to changed the name and since the entrance is close to the Vía de Cintura, we named it El Muro,” explains Pedro.

Their partners, Aurelia Cabrera and Manuela Fernández played an important role too, they cooked the food that was sold in the bar.

"We worked together in my house until they installed the kitchen in the bar," says Aurelia.

Owning a bar has disrupted the home lives of both families, but it has provided a good living for them and the six children they have between them.

"Now it’s time to enjoy the children and grandchildren because we never closed even for one day," they said.

Pedro says the success of the bar was down to the clientele and he wants to take the opportunity to thank them for their loyalty.

“It has been a great joy to see three generations come together at the bar for a snack, that’s the best memory I can have.”

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