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Innovative procedure at Manacor Hospital

Manacor Hospital. | R.S.

| Palma |

A new technique is being used at Manacor Hospital to remove colon polyps.

Manacor is one of 16 hospitals using this technique of underwater mucosal endoscopic resection, or REM, underwater for the removal of complex colon polyps.

The Head of the Digestive Service, Andrés Sanso, and the Digestive Assistant Physician at Manacor Hospital, Oliver Patron, said the technological advances of digestive endoscopy have contributed to the identification and characterisation of complex mucous lesions.

Precise and minimally invasive treatment can be applied in highly complex lesions, constituting an effective and safe alternative to conventional surgical treatment.

The data from the 16 pioneer Spanish centres using the underwater REM technique were presented to the National Endoscopy Congress and American Doctor Kenneth Binmoeller described it as a technique that facilitates the resection of large mucous lesions safely and effectively, based on the physical effect of buoyancy of polypoid lesions achieved by using water in the colon, instead of air.

The first Spanish study, under the title of 'Efficacy of underwater mucosal endoscopic resection for the treatment of complex colorectal lesions" is led and coordinated by the Endoscopy Unit of the General University Hospital of Ciudad Real.

The authors concluded that this technique allows the resection of large mucous lesions without the need for injection of submucosal substance, provides greater safety during resection. The liquid medium dissipates the heat caused by the cutting current, reducing the thermal damage of the tissues and it reduces intervention times and presents a lower recurrence rate, when compared to other endoscopic techniques.

This study was awarded as the best communication of the National Endoscopy Congress.

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