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Companies call for LED lights at Palma Cathedral to be removed

Palma cathedral, La Seu, lit up at night. Archive photo. | Vasil Vasilev

| Palma |

ARCA, JAM Joves Arquitectes de Mallorca, Grup d'Opinió d'Arquitectes, Palma XXI and AAVV District Centre have all warned that the LED lights at La Seu “undermine the architectural wealth of the building and cause upside down shadows, which distort the details and textures of the church.”

They have asked Palma City Council to change the current lighting system, which they claim “is obsolete and wastes a lot of energy,” and say the response has been positive.

The architects point out that the cathedral should be the star of the show, not the lights.

"The lighting has to be humble and discreet, to illuminate the monument and installing intense lighting on historical buildings causes light pollution which affects the environment and influences the image of the historic city.”

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