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Alcudia Hotels close early due to Thomas Cook

The Bay of Alcudia is a popular destination for families. | M. À. Cañellas

| Palma |

The season has come to an abrupt close in Alcúdia this year and the collapse of Thomas Cook is to blame according to data from the Tourism Department.

At least 40 hotels shut their doors in October and another 18 are due to close in November, which is at least 10 days earlier than previous years.

Councilman, Pep Cladera said that there is no doubt that the demise of the British Tour Operator was directly responsible for at least nine hotels closing at the beginning of October.


Jaume Horrach, President of the Hotel Business Association of Alcúdia says that despite the early closures, all is not lost.

"There are only 2 or 3 hotels that this bankruptcy has significantly affected,” he claims. “October has been a bad month, with hotel occupation hovering at around 50% compared to around 75% in other years.”

Horrach also pointed out that “Thomas Cook is not the only tour operator making reservations," but conceded that "hotels have commitments to employees and customers that must be met."

An increasing number of tourists from Sweden, Norway and Denmark are choosing to visit Alcúdia, which some say has softened the blow dealt by the bankruptcy of Thomas Cook.

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