
El Pi back call for Armengol to explain funding deficit

Francina Aarmengol

The El spokesperson has called for Armengol to be more transparent | miquel a. cañellas

| Palma |

El Pi have given their support to a Partido Popular demand for President Armengol to appear before parliament and explain budgetary adjustments to solve a lack of funding for the Balearics.

Jaume Font, the leader of El Pi, said yesterday that Armengol's appearance would be "inevitable".

The Balearics will be short of 520 million euros to square this year's budget. In addition, there are 155 million euros that the Balearics have to pay in respect of court rulings which will create a total funding problem of almost 700 million.

Font was critical of the Spanish government's failure to part with 180 million euros related to an old agreement for the funding of roads.

The prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, has "done his magic and made this disappear". He was particularly critical of the national finance minister, Maria Jesús Montero, who is seeking solutions for the regional financing system but who doesn't have any solutions.

The El spokesperson has called for Armengol to be more transparent and to demand that Madrid transfers the 177 million euros more which should have come to the Balearics through this year's regional financing system. If necessary, the government should pursue the matter through the courts, which is happening in Andalusia and La Rioja.

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