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Health ministry studying two salmonella outbreaks

Manacor Hospital, where two patients remained for a few days because of salmonella poisoning. | Archive

| Manacor |

The Balearic health ministry is studying two unrelated outbreaks of salmonella poisoning last weekend.

Ten people in Manacor had a barbecue and nine of them had to go to Manacor Hospital. Two, who were in hospital all week, were able to go home yesterday. They had eaten chicken burgers with spinach, believed to have been the cause of the poisoning.

In Montuiri, eight people who dined at a restaurant last Sunday and ate beef hamburgers also needed to go to hospital. None of them were admitted, however.

Health ministry inspectors have checked the supermarket where the chicken burgers were purchased and the restaurant and have found that both complied fully with food safety regulations.

The ministry points out there could have been various causes for the two outbreaks. In the case of the barbecue it is possible that the burgers weren't cooked for long enough.

Health centres across the Balearics have been alerted to the outbreaks, which is normal procedure. The government says that there is no cause for alarm.

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