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Balearics on forest fire alert

To the end of April there were 41 minor fires. | Archive

| Palma |

The Balearics are now on an emergency footing for forest fires after the acting minister for the environment, Viçenc Vidal, held a meeting with all the relevant bodies yesterday to issue a high-risk warning to all those involved in the prevention and tackling of wildfires because of the hot and very dry summer ahead. Vidal said that while the Balearics are equipped with all the necessary resources to combat the threat, "we can’t afford to let our guard down".

Vidal highlighted the extensive work which has been carried out over the winter to increase protection and prevention, all of which will be put to the test in a massive simulated training exercise which is to take place in Ibiza on 6 June.

The acting minister also revealed that a large number of new councillors are going to be given crash courses in how to respond in the event of a forest fire in their municipalities.

Yesterday’s meeting was also attended by the national government delegate to the Balearics, Rosario Sanchez, and the security forces. A coordinated plan of action on land, at sea and from the air is being created.

The region will remain on alert until 15 October. Until then, the lighting of fires in woodland or within 500 metres is prohibited.

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